
Homebrewing is the coolest. Its what hams started out with 90 years ago. Real people building from scrap, well, from Radio Shack! Iffat always says it would be interesting to add up all my money spent at Radio Shack....well, maybe not!

Click here or my latest forays into homebrewing, a 40 meter DC receiver from a design circa 1981!

Click here for one of my first rigs I built, a 15 meter rig using a VXO tuner.

Here is one of my "you build" rigs. It is called a "Rock Mite", because it uses just one crystal or "rock" for a frequency. It only has two frequencies actually, one at 7040kHz and one at 7039kHz! It was a lot of fun to build...

The next rig is one called the SW+20. It was also fun, operates on 20 meters, and has many more frequency selections! I can operate between 14.25mHz and 14.75mHz with this rig.

My all-time favorite homebrew rig to date (9/9/02) The 2N2-40 rig. This rig was actually designed by Jim Kortge (K8IQY) for a contest. He published the design in a small quarterly publication called "QRPp Quarterly". It contained great illustrations and very clear instructions on how to build it. Along the way, I had lots of help from people in the "QRP reflector" on the internet. It puts out maybe 2 watts, but has a very sensitive receiver and a good signal out. I have had much fun building and operating this rig. Contacts always are amazed when I tell them it's a "HMBRU, at 2W" Isn't it lovely? I was really very proud of this one, it took quite a while, but was well worth it!! See more at Jim's Web Site for the 2N2-40

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